

Ancient weapons as collectibles and decoratives

Weapons were in use from a long period of time, initially for self defence. Fanciful weapons like knives, daggers, swords, polearms, maces, axes and other sharp things have been the weapon of choice for combatants and warriors of all castes, ranks for many years.

Maybe the original form of weapons for survival were sticks and stones. Slowly these simple survival tools used by early man had undergone transformations and gradually original ancient weapons became instruments of war with mankind in the middle ages. The evolution of ancient weapons have indeed changed our lives.

The Middle Ages was a period in history where there was too much warfare and conflict. During this time many unusual weapons were produced to solve wars and battlefield problems. These weapons were more or less similar to sword or axe. But many unusual and lesser known weapons were also created during this time. With technology, our forefathers started making different forms of weapons.

Most of these weapons are indeed tools of destruction like the knives, swords, bow and arrow, axe, polearms etc. These weapons have today evolved as automatic rifles. And ancient weapons have today become obsolete, in terms of destruction. But still they are in use by many—some as collectibles, some as decorative pieces and some as just memorabilia of ancient weapons. A very interesting fact about such weapons is their durability, quality and artistic appearance . This definitely speaks of the standards of excellence set by our ancient craftsmen and artsans, inspite of their lack of modern tools and manufacturing methods.

Though such ancient weapons are now collectibles found in museums and ancient forts, there are mass produce of replicas of antiquity.